Top 5 eco-friendly products for daily use - StrawbyStraw

Top 5 eco-friendly products for daily use

The first, simple step to reducing your ecological footprint is by adopting eco-friendly habits. Sustainable replacements for things like plastic straws to make-up glitter are popping up everywhere – allowing you, the consumer, to start shopping wisely.

When it comes to the environment, you might have been told that some of the best things you can do for it on an individual level is by going meat-free or no longer flying planes. These are great actions that will have a better impact on the environment.

But there also enough products that won’t ask much of you when it comes to both convenience and cost. Good for the environment, your life, and your business. Here are our top five products:

5. The Bamboo Brush Society

The Bamboo Brush  Society


Replace the plastics in your daily life with the offerings from The Bamboo Brush Society. Start small with bamboo cotton buds, get your toothbrush (with travel case!) substituted, to the bamboo cutlery set. 


4. Lush


Not new, but a classic staple of the eco-friendly selection. Famous for their bath- and shampoo bars, Lush continues to raise their bar with eco-friendly cosmetics that avoid packaging as much as possible. 


3. Lastswab


One of our favourite Kickstarter projects: the reusable cotton swab! Easy to clean, sanitary, and reusable. Great for you, great for the oceans.


2. Nohbo Drops

Nohbo Drops


For those who can't get used to shampoo bars (we love them), how about liquid shampoo without the plastic container? These shampoo drops melt in your shower, so you're ready to wash your hair without squeezing a bottle.


1. Ooho!


With these folks, PET bottles or plastic wrappers can take a walk. Ooho is replacing single-use plastics in sports, events, to take-aways. Check out their edible seaweed-based packaging!

Like what you read and do you want to support us? Buy a pack or forward our eco-friendly straws to restaurant managers!