New Plastic Free Balearics certification eliminates single use straws | Straw by Straw

This is an exciting time for the plastics industry. Companies are eliminating 93,818 water bottles and 4383kg of waste from their supply chain!

November 25th through December 11th 2021 is the European Week for Waste Reduction, and on that occasion they have presented preliminary results revealing what impact their first stage of certification has had in reducing single-use plastics among businesses operating within hospitality sector across all four islands.

Plastic Free Balearics is a certification that has been created and promoted by IbizaPreservation, Save The Med & Formentera with the participation of menorcan Plastic free association. They are currently evaluating companies throughout their territory for compliance to this protocol since July; so far 44 have been assessed giving 93 establishments total

For the next three months, hospitality businesses in Mallorca will be held to a higher standard. They can reduce their environmental impact by cutting out traditional products that have negative implications for local ecosystems and life cycle costs. This initiative was announced last week as part of an agreement between hotels throughout Spain’s Balearic Islands—a region known globally for its beaches but also home many unique species important on biodiversity charts such as flamingos, who nest there during springtime when other parts paths offer food more easily than winter does now

Flamingoes are flock birds meaning they stay together often like

The certification aspires to be a key tool for the reduction of plastic pollution in the Balearic Islands, focusing as it does on 23 waste producing categories. Most products come from hospitality and commercial sectors which together generate more than 60% of local garbage volumes.

The Plastic Free Balearics platform is a way to reward companies that reduce their environmental footprint and show leadership in transitioning towards the circular economy. The “Plastic Free Guardian” seal will be given, depending on how much "Red Flags" products they eliminated as well if these have been substituted with so-called honest alternatives such like those without any negative impact or low level ones at all which can sometimes even help promote sustainability more than before thanks to its innovation!

The project's goal has shifted from solely discouraging consumerism into wanting people who are willing enough but haven't yet made changes because of lackadaisical attitudes about it--or unawareness altogether!--to receive encouragement through

The Balearic Waste Law goes beyond the EU directives, and it does not accept "bioplastics" - meaning degradable or compost-able plastics - as alternatives. Eduardo Martínez Gil of Brut de Llubí restaurant in Mallorca said that this stems from his understanding on how we should treat our environment plus an aim to run a low waste establishment while making better use for everything; he throws away less than before when running such businesses

In addition: With more emphasis being put onto recycling by countries all over Europe these days ( Malta included!), many restaurants have started incorporating ecofriendly practices into their everyday operations too!

Plastic Free Balearics was launched a year ago, in November 2020. The aim of this project is to promote sustainability and environmental regeneration by promoting the Balearic Islands as one committed territory with an innovative solution for reducing plastic pollution across Mediterranean waters which they're well on their way too fulfilling through!

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